Monday, April 19, 2010 | |

The Week in Reviews

A new feature here at The Intelli-Gent Reviews, "The Week in Reviews" will be posted every Monday morning, unless I'm lazy. If that's the case, it will be posted whenever the heck I want to do it. I'll be linking to some of my favorite Sci-Fi and Fantasy review sites, and I really hope they don't mind, since I haven't necessarily

"‘Shadow Prowler’ doesn’t bring anything new to the table at all, and I’m still wondering if there’s a problem with the translation, but it is a lot of fun and has me waiting for the sequel to arrive."- Graeme's Fantasy Reviews

"I was very, very impressed with 'The Hunger Games' and would much rather spend my time with this series than with anything from the "Twilight" universe."-  Fantasy and Sci-Fi Lovin' News and Reviews

"From time to time any avowed escapist such as myself needs a shock to the system – and King Maker provides just that. The wonderfully creative premise and horrific reality make it a book that should be read. Unfortunately, it is a flawed work that undermines the weight of the powerful punch it should deliver."- Nethspace

"Beneath the Surface is a strong collection punctuated here and there by near perfect stories. No one is better at writing compelling nightmares than Mr. Strantzas." - Speculative Fiction Junkie


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